Kraków secrets

Before 19th century and gas lamps all of the cities were very dark during nights. Only the torches were sources of light. However torches - were not comfortable to use. They quckly went off, were dangerous in wooden architecture and were able to painfully burn the user.So to avoid the problems, most all of the buidling had special stone holes where a person with torch could have input the torch and...
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Bronze statuette of a veiled and masked dancer.

The complex motion of this dancer is conveyed exclusively through the interaction of the body with several layers of dress.Over an undergarment that falls in deep folds and trails heavily, the figure wears a lightweight mantle, drawn tautly over her head and body by the pressure applied to it by her right arm, left hand, and right leg. Its substance is conveyed by the alternation of the tubular folds...
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Roman bracelet, made of gold, glass, and emerald.

A heavy gold band elaborated by colored stones and glass forms this massive gold bracelet. The bracelet was made in two pieces, which were then hinged and secured with a pin decorated with green glass. The edges of the gold band are folded outwards at a perpendicular angle, forming a ledge that served to protect the stones. Blue, green, and red glass; emeralds; and now-missing pearls were placed in...
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The Persian ‘Immortals’

The Persian ‘Immortals’Upon hearing about the great centerpiece of the ancient Persian army, The Immortals, many today would probably think of the slightly creepy Darth Vader/ ninja crosses shown in the movie 300, facing off against the Spartans. While certainly effective in creating dramatic cinema, this is not at all reflective of the real Immortals who served under the great Persian kings.The Immortals...
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